
We strongly believe that in order to valorize the competences and the role of migrants, preferably in associated forms, making them active players in the territory and involving them in actions of cooperation and participation toward their own communities it is essential to strar by operating and communicating on the network.


We believe that the development of an advanced society lies in communication and information technology (ICT) that is the most innovative and modern way of promoting understanding and the wealth of differences, the demolition of cultural prejudices and fereing social inclusion especially of weakest people in our territory.


The different associations, both Italian that are mostly involved in issues of migration,  and foreignes and aggregate from different ethnic communities, have the ability to collaborate and share skills, and practical tools and operational capabilities to respond to the diverse needs of the large foreign community present in Vicenza city (almost 15% of the total resident population) and in the province (nearly 10% of the total resident population).



Therefore Our cultural objective is to approach - through relationships online - the different cultures, aware of the responsibility that institutions have together with the associations of civil society in favor dialogue and mutual knowledge.


The commitment of the structures and institutions dedicated "" website to maintaining and developing the content and proposals to provide information on facilities in the city of Vicenza and its territory coming from offices or associations. Through a computer support and assistance from operators the aim is to improve the management and administrative practices from the stage of filling in the forms and relationship with the offices in charge.


The service of consultation on line - naturally available also to Italian citizens - confirms the active role of the of Vicenza, the other local institutions and non-profit organizations in the diffusion of community information.


The construction of the website has been made possible by the project "ASSISTENZA TUTELA MIGRAZIONE” (ATM) promoted, financed and led by the Region Veneto in collaboration with partners such as the Center for the Productivity of Veneto, "Ashm Multimedia" and "Mondo Immigrazione" of Vicenza.